Breakdown Gun Cabinets: What they are, and why you want them! - SafesRight

Breakdown Gun Cabinets: What they are, and why you want them!

So you stumbled upon breakdown gun cabinets, but just don’t quite understand what they are, and why you may want one?

A breakdown gun cabinet is very similar to a modular gun safe. Where it is shipped and arrives flat, you put it together where you want it installed. You can also then break it down later on to move it and start all over again. Generally speaking, a breakdown gun cabinet will have steel in the range of 16-18 gauge.

Why would you want a breakdown gun cabinet?

It really comes down to portability. Not everyone is able to or wants to move a gun safe on their own, and finding a friend to help you can not only be hard but also dangerous, as more people know you have a gun cabinet in the first place.

These types of cabinets are also awesome for people who move around a lot (like military or college students) because they are as simple as breaking them down and taking them to the new residence. Plus, they are lighter-weight, meaning they are less likely to damage things while either sitting still or being moved.

Which breakdown gun cabinets are any good?

I’ll be 100% honest, but there aren’t that many breakdown gun cabinets that I would recommend you shop for. While Stack-On has a couple of other brands, the only company that offers breakdown gun cabinets of any real quality is SecureIt Tactical.

The SecureIt Model 52 is a high-quality breakdown gun cabinet (almost a safe, and I even added it to my modular safe list).

The gun cabinet is awesome because of its modular design, and awesome adjustable interior, and it is one of the highest security cabinets on the market. Not just for breakdown cabinets, but gun cabinets in general.

That said, the only other breakdown cabinet I would recommend is the SecureIt Model 40 (it’s also on the “best of list” article linked earlier). Yep, the exact same safe, just 12 inches shorter!

How much are breakdown gun cabinets?

Breakdown gun cabinets can range heavily from under $100 all the way up to around $1000. With my favorites sitting in the middle of this range, you can expect to pay around $600 for a quality unit that will last you a long time, and keep you safe in the process.


A breakdown gun cabinet can be great for some people and maybe not for others! If you want something that is higher security, then a breakdown gun cabinet may not be for you.

However, if you want something that is easily moved around and you aren’t too worried about break-ins, then one of these might be an awesome option for you!

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